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A technical handbook for a non-technical audience.

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Understanding POLIO Fundamentals

A technical handbook for a non-technical audience

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Understand the key technical principles driving one of the largest global health initiatives in history.

Why I wrote

Understanding polio fundamentals:

When you work in a highly technical field but are not in research, it is helpful to have a handbook that translates the critical information you need to know into practical knowledge that you can easily apply to your area of expertise. Typically, literature on polio is written to the technical expert or global policy audience, which often excludes implementers at the country level.

This is why I wrote Understanding Polio Fundamentals.

This handbook will give you an in-depth understanding of the science behind the effort to eradicate polio in a way that is simple and easy-to-understand. Understanding the technical principles guiding strategy and policy will enable you not only to be more effective at your job, but also to make informed decisions when faced with challenging or unexpected circumstances.

My hope for this book is to empower you and all the true heroes of this global effort.

— Natalia A Molodecky

About Natalia

Dr. Natalia Molodecky is an infectious disease epidemiologist and modeller with over a decade of experience in the polio programme, including at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Regional Office in Jordan and Country Office in Pakistan. Most recently, she evaluated the global withdrawal of OPV2. In Pakistan, she served as Coordinator for Risk Assessment & Decision Support at the National Emergency Operations Centre. Previously, she worked with the polio Research and Product Development team at WHO in Geneva. Dr Molodecky holds a PhD in infectious disease epidemiology from Imperial College London, focusing on modelling WPV1 and cVDPV2 transmission in Pakistan and Afghanistan to inform eradication and outbreak control strategies.

I hope you enjoy the book!

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